"Some may ask, 'what of sick people'? Or 'what of the very elderly people'? or 'what of children?' Or 'what of those with special needs and etc'? Firstly, every topic is not for everyone. Part one was about able working people. Secondly, some life conditions are temporary and some are seasonal and some are permanent. In the case of sick people, our duty as caregivers are to nurse them to health so they can get well and feel/be useful. Also, in the process, make them feel valued and wanted. In the case of retired elderly people who can no longer work, our duty is to make them feel valued and still find out avenues where they can still be useful. How? Find out what they like doing. Some like to knit blankets and caps for babies. Some like to be around children. Get them a great place where they can volunteer and be around kids and tell stories. You will see that they won't talk of dying all the time. There are so many things you can do for the elderly so the Caregiver doesn't feel overwhelmed. I have been a Caregiver for the elderly and it can be stressful sometimes. So I know. In Nigeria, ideas and activities for the elderly are not very common. But in places like the US and western world, senior citizens have bingo and volunteer opportunities and etc.... The idea is to be in God's Will and do the things he needs you to do. Sometimes, it may start like a hobby and latter be an income-making activity. Let God's Will Be Done our lives, Amen."
- Iro
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